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9th CIIT Science Day at Regular Higher Level

9th CIIT Science Day at Regular Higher Level

9th CIIT Science Day at Regular Higher Level

Many scientists, a lot of knowledge, a lot of knowledge transfer – this is what the CIIT Science Day also offers in its ninth edition on 2 July 2024 at the Anichstrasse Medical Center. Together with Günter Weiss, spokesman for the Comprehensive Center for Infectious Diseases, Immunology and Transplantation, the organizers Wilfried Busch and Thomas Sonneper once again look back on a successful event driven by excellent science.

This year, scientists from all career levels were once again invited to participate in the poster and, for the first time, in oral presentations, thus taking advantage of a valuable opportunity to expand their professional network. 50 students, postdoctoral researchers and professors responded to the call, presenting their latest scientific data in four poster sessions and a short discussion session.

This year, infectious disease scientist Asier Saiz-Cerion, from Spain, was invited to give the keynote lecture on the topic “Learning from HIV remission after allogeneic stem cell transplantation.” Saiz-Cerion leads the Viral Reservoirs and Immune Control research team in the Department of Virology at the Pasteur Institute in Paris. He received his PhD in 2001 from the University of the Basque Country in Spain. In 2003, he joined the Pasteur Institute as a postdoctoral researcher and became a professor there in 2010. His research focuses on understanding HIV infection, in particular how some people have a natural ability to control HIV infection or can control the infection after interruption of antiretroviral therapy. Saiz-Cerion also investigates factors associated with HIV reservoir formation.

Following the keynote lecture, researchers from the theoretical, pre-clinical and clinical institutions of the Medical University of Innsbruck presented their research activities with a poster and a short lecture. The lively discussions that followed reflected the importance of the event for the fundamental transfer of knowledge between disciplines and within the research focus of infection, immunity and transplantation. “The Science Day at CIIT underlines for the ninth time the high level of expertise in infectious immunology as well as the translational orientation of our basic research,” emphasizes the Science Day organizer Wilfried Busch.

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Pictures from the shows:

the background

The CIIT was established in March 2010 at the Medical University of Innsbruck. Building on the current university focus on “Infection and Immunity”, the objectives of the CIIT are to promote and coordinate the interaction between the theoretical and clinical institutions of the Medical University of Innsbruck, Tyrolean research institutions and Tyrolean hospitals in patient care, teaching and training as well as research. The CIIT is a virtual centre that brings together and coordinates activities in the disciplines of infectious diseases, including microbiology, virology, immunology and transplant medicine, across historically established institutional boundaries.

Speakers Team:

Gunter Weiss, University Clinic for Internal Medicine II
Hubertus Haas, Institute of Molecular Biology / Biozentrum
Cornelia Las Florel, Institute of Hygiene and Medical Microbiology
Stefan Schneeberger, University Clinic for Endoscopy, Transplantation and Thoracic Surgery
Matthias Schmuth, University Clinic for Dermatology, Venereology and Allergology
Jürgen Brunner, University Clinic for Pediatrics 1

(July 11, 2024, Text: Dr. Heidegger, Images: Dr. Pollock)


CIIT Science Days