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Auresa wants to be on the winner’s podium

Auresa wants to be on the winner’s podium

pts20220323010 Commerce / Services, Companies / Economy

Hanauer Tee-Onlineshop has been nominated for ‘Shop of the Year Award’ – sure to win

Hanau (pts010 / 03/23/2022 / 08:30) –

Online trading is booming in Germany and has achieved record sales, especially in the past two years. In addition to the global giants and world famous players, there are also many small and medium-sized online stores in this country which are distinguished by their outstanding services. It is precisely these stores that the magazine “Acquisition” would like to honor with its “Storage of the Year Award”. Among the nominees for this year is AURESA, the online tea shop based in Hanau, Hesse . The store has been nominated in the ‘Food and Beverage’ category and is looking forward to the Awards Gala on April 1, 2022.

“When we found out about our nomination for Store of the Year, of course we were amazed. Of course, we are very pleased that our store has managed to inspire so many people. The award focuses specifically on the points of ease of use, user experience and sustainability. We have long worked on designing our store in a way that delivers Users have a perfect shopping experience. In addition, Auresa is all about sustainability and we implement many different measures for the environment and climate protection “All orders are sent completely climate neutral and we do not use plastic in both product packaging and shipping. Moreover, both the office building and the server on which our online store is located are completely powered by green electricity from renewable energies. In 2020 we also launched the “Buy Tea, Do Good” initiative, planting one for every product sold and thus helping to reforest cleared forests. Altogether, we are very optimistic when it comes to the award,” said Danijel Mlinarevic, Managing Director of AURESA.

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Discover the world of big tea at AURESA

Auresa offers a wide range of teas for every taste. The store’s collection includes not only classic green and black tea, but also many types of herbal and fruit teas. AURESA attaches special importance to organic tea . But it doesn’t matter if it’s organic or conventional – all teas are fair trade and go through quality controls at regular intervals. In this way, the enjoyment of the tea is ensured without disturbance.
