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Austrian FA Cup, second round, live broadcast: Union Gorten – Salzburg – Football

Austrian FA Cup, second round, live broadcast: Union Gorten – Salzburg – Football

Red M Increment – Monday, August 29, 2022, 4:43 pm

It is the match of the year for regional league team Gorten against the winner of the Austrian doubles series RB Salzburg. The second round of the Austrian FA Cup kicks off on Tuesday at 8:30 pm (Live tape >>>).

The townspeople of Mozart had not been defeated in the cup in more than four years. If the often used comparison “David vs. Goliath” fits anywhere, then it’s for this game.

“Of course we are the clear candidates and our goal is to get to the next role with confidence,” explains Gisley, who has praised his opponent. “The cup match started at 0-0 too and Gorten deserved a place in the second round just like we did.”

Denmark’s Maurits Kigergaard, who scored the 6-0 winning goal in Lustenau on Saturday, saw things similarly: “We need a focused performance there too, we must not underestimate our opponents. The cup can be tough.” Jaissle will spin against Gurten on a net. the start. What has been fixed is that Nico Mantel will start in goal instead of Philip Kuhn.

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