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Carinthian Nachuschschiri: Maximilian Santer: Forty Management Game is forty new life experiences

Carinthian Nachuschschiri: Maximilian Santer: Forty Management Game is forty new life experiences

Rothentherner Maximilian Center is one of the ranks of the junior rulers in Carinthian. The cries of fans will not stop him.

Rothenthorn. (Peter Tiffling) The Carinthian Football Association has had problems increasing the number of referees for a long time. That’s why KFV President Klaus Mitterdorfer and Chairman of the Referees Committee, Karl Hetzenhammer, are thinking about how to control this problem. “We’ve started a real advertising campaign and can now look forward to a double-digit number of umpires and junior umpires,” the duo says.

Forty line games

Fourteen-year-old Maximilian Santer from Rothenthorn also followed up on this KFV call. He was immediately enrolled in the Assistant Referee Course and one year later he passed the first Basic Grammar test with distinction. Since getting his degree, he feels like the youngest referee in Carinthia. Maximilian describes his state of mind on July 26 this year: “It was an indescribable feeling to receive the testimony from Mr. Warmhammer and Talent Commander Anton Eichholzer, and thus also to be able to lead the Youth Games.” Now there are already forty football matches in which the student of the Fritz Strobel School Center, in the youth field from the youngest to under seventeen years old, was allowed to whistle. “For me, it was forty game sessions, the equivalent of forty new life experiences. But there is one thing that I have made a principle for, since the first whistle. The spectators’ comments will dissuade my goal of becoming a referee in the Bundesliga. I think that after five years of Playing youth football as a goalkeeper and field player at SV Rothenthorn, I found my calling as a referee,” Maxi says.

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great support

So that the cheerful feeling with his hand whistle continues to boom, the fan receives excellent support from referee models Pierluigi Collina, Felix Brych and Idis Skalic. Spittal Group spokesman and personal mentor Michael Moser and KFV base officer Christian Allman have always had a mobile phone line open to him. Even the trip to the monthly Judgment Evening in Seeboden is perfectly organised, because experienced whistleblowers Richard Runner and Siegfried Frolich are very happy to be the taxi drivers of their younger colleague. “My parents Michaela and Gerhard take care of my game dates, or I take the train. I travel up to 20 kilometers with my e-bike. This is how I keep fit, because apart from the rules, this is one of the most essential qualities of a game master,” says Maxi, who It connects to a Bosch battery and cycles to the next start.