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Deutsche Bank: Relief in the US

Deutsche Bank: Relief in the US

Deutsche Bank shares also benefited from positive sentiment in the US financial sector yesterday. A report on significantly relaxed stock requirements as part of Basel norms boosted prices there. In Germany, however, the mood in the corporate sector was disappointing.

In response to the banking crisis that particularly affected the regional banking sector in the US in the spring of 2023, regulators in the US want to increase the amount of capital required for financial institutions. So far there have been drastic increases in the room. Accordingly, raising the capital requirement by 16 percent was discussed.

There was a sigh of relief in the sector yesterday, as the news agency reported Bloomberg Now only five percent can be increased. Tighter measures are also planned here, which could mean significant relief, especially for financial institutions with large trading sectors. reports that Bloomberg citing people familiar with the situation. First, a strong increase in equity capital was planned for these financial institutions.

In Germany, however, the corporate mood has deteriorated surprisingly. The Ifo business climate for June fell 0.7 points to 88.6 points, the Ifo agency reported in Munich yesterday. On the other hand, analysts expect a slight increase. Economists see the data as a warning signal. Purchasing Managers' Indices for Germany have recently worsened.

Deutsche Bank
(WKN: 514000)

Yesterday, Deutsche Bank shares managed to gain ground in the slipstream of US rivals and ended trading 2.6 percent higher. This allowed us to break out of the uptrend at €14.40. The short-term downtrend is at 15.00 euros and will now be the next target. The 50-day line will be visible at 15.10 euros. Investors stay on board. Investors are waiting for an upward breakout.

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