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German with a Hollywood star: this is how he made millions in America

German with a Hollywood star: this is how he made millions in America

German with a Hollywood star: this is how he made millions in America

Reese Witherspoon was recently spotted back and forth with a German entrepreneur.
Picture Alliance / Lars Hoglund | Lars Hoglund

  • American magazine People reports that Oscar winner Reese Witherspoon is dating German businessman Oliver Harmon.
  • Harmon is co-founder of private equity firm Searchlight Capital Partners, which manages $15.1 billion in assets.
  • Witherspoon is a filmmaker and founder of the production company Hello Sunshine, which produced series such as Big Little Lies and The Morning Show.

Hollywood actress and filmmaker Reese Witherspoon is in love with 48-year-old entrepreneur Oliver Harmon. Rumors have been circulating about this for weeks. Now among other things, it has been reported American magazine “People” — and added date pictures of the two of them.

The paparazzi photos are not the first sighting of the two. Photos from the popular magazine “Page Six” also showed them together with the two sons of the actress. According to people, the relationship between the two is “normal”.

Reese Witherspoon's Date: Graduated from Harvard with a degree in private equity

Oliver Harmon is not in the movie business, but in finance. He heads a private equity firm that provides equity or equity-like financing to companies that need over-the-counter funding. Called Searchlight Capital Partners, the firm has offices in New York, London, Toronto and Miami. According to its own data, it manages US$15.1 billion (€13.6 billion) in assets.


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The German businessman studied at Brown University in the US, earned an MBA from Harvard Business School and was a senior partner at London-based investment firm KKR before founding “Searchlight”. Out loud “image” He is married to American businesswoman Mala Gonkar, a former portfolio manager at the investment firm “Lone Pine Capital”.

Witherspoon was married to actor Jim Todd from 2011 to 2023. Forbes estimates his net worth at $440 million (€398 million). Her production company Hello Sunshine produced Gone Girl, Big Little Lies and The Morning Show, among others.