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In this way, Ukraine can counter Russia’s potential spring offensive

In this way, Ukraine can counter Russia’s potential spring offensive

Ukrainian tank in the Luhansk region on the way forward

The forces of the conquered country could hardly defend their positions in the east.

(Photo: dpa)

Berlin, Riga The opening in the apartment provides a view of the street, before there was an external wall. Russian President Volodymyr Zelensky said at least three people were killed in a missile attack on the southern Ukrainian city of Kherson on Sunday. Another person was killed by a missile in Kharkiv.

Reports like this could soon become more frequent, and concerns are growing about a full-scale offensive by the Russian military in Ukraine. Vadim Skipetskij of the SBU of Ukraine is convinced that Russia is currently preparing a spring offensive in parallel with individual attempts to break through some sections of the front.

“The coming weeks will be decisive,” says Kyiv military expert Oleh Zhdanov in this context. The Russians have just launched a new offensive in Donbass.

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