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Just this extended moment

Just this extended moment

Choreographer and director Johannes Wieland suggests remembering Kant, Hawkings, Nietzsche and Einstein as a way of approaching his “modern” dance scene. The premiere was on Saturday at Musiktheater Linz. Those who are strangers to philosophers can simply leave themselves, and plunge into the madness of immortality, simultaneity, and their opposites. In the beginning was heaven, two naked people. New beings arise from the primordial mass in the spirit of creation myths and evolutionary doctrine. Emotions and associations flow from every creature, every creature.

The TANZ LINZ collective of 13 dancers, actor Horst Hess, and eight time-stopping extras. The whole group is constantly in motion, so artificial, as flexible as animals, in which the individuals each carry the beautiful as well as the painful within themselves, in society an amorphous mass controlled by an indefinite hand. Dance, performance, drama and visual art combine to create a snapshot of all there is.

The main musical theme is “Hymn to Nikal,” the oldest known piece of music, recorded on clay tablets 3,500 years ago. Sound designer Donato Diliano spans an arc of spherical sounds combined with the crunchy beats, grinding, instrument noise, and ancient vocals of electronically generated sounds.

Man (n) remains an individual in the midst of nature

Natural formations shrink, raise, rotate, and explode in slow motion, disintegrating into building blocks for something new. Man (n) remains an individual in the midst of a turbulent nature that could not be more beautiful. Even cars crashing into each other reveal cool new forms in the destructive stuff.

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Earth-colored human sculptures swell as in a cycle, immersed in mysterious light, collapse, separate individual figures, change perspectives, the individual sees the crowd, the crowd ignores the individual. The actor interrupted him. Horst Hess, as a foreign body, takes us back into time and the world orally. In a long monologue he talked about philosophical ideas. The dancers move without being deterred. It is up to the viewer to direct his focus.

Four characters always stand as corner points in the room. In the beginning Adam and Eve were in heaven, opposite the man and woman on the slope today. Where heaven was once, the mature man and woman later hold green branches in their hands on a higher level. In metaphors galore, the two golfers up front are hard to understand, remaining motionless until the final tee shot.

Wieland brings nature to the stage for 75 minutes, digs into the foundations of soul, and creates a poignant poster for vintage electronic music. Big applause not only from the many experts and colleagues in the audience.