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NASA shows a 200 km long lava lake

NASA shows a 200 km long lava lake

Io It is the fourth largest moon of Jupiter. At the same time, it is the most active celestial body Volcanoes In our solar system. the That's why NASA calls it the Infernal Moon.

The Juno space probe recently used it as part of its mission to Jupiter 2 close flyby To IU. I approached the surface Up to 1500 km in. NASA has now analyzed the data collected. Animation was made based on these.

Particularly impressive Lucky Patera. This is one Lake 200 km long With carrots. The lake is glowing all the way to the edge Lava full. Large parts of the lake are unusually smooth. Researchers assume that the lava has cooled sufficiently in these places Volcanic glass to construct.

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Overall, Io is relatively smooth compared to Jupiter's other moons. However, the landscape has completely changed, with no evidence of meteorite craters like those found on Earth's moon. This is also due to Io's strong volcanic activity.

An example of an extreme landscape is “Steeple MountainAn animation of this mountain can also be made using data collected by Juno.

Juno has been traveling in space since 2011

The Juno spacecraft is 2011 It launched from the ground. since 2016 It is in orbit around Jupiter.

➤ Read more: Video: NASA's space probe races over Jupiter at a speed of 211,000 km/h

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After completing its primary mission there, NASA chose not to participate 2021 Flights close to the moon Ganymede, Europa and Io To implement. It was previously feared that traveling to these moons would expose Juno to a large amount of radiation and destroy instruments.

End of task for September 2025 The plan is if Juno is up and running by then. Then it must fall in a controlled manner into Jupiter's atmosphere Burnt. This is intended to prevent the unsterilized probe from colliding with one of Jupiter's moons and taking it with it. Microorganisms from Earth Contaminated.