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Pope Francis’s autobiography is scheduled to be published next March

Pope Francis’s autobiography is scheduled to be published next March

The book is titled “Life. My Story in History.” The fall of the Berlin Wall, General Jorge Rafael Videla’s coup in Argentina, the 1969 moon landing, and the 1986 World Cup were mentioned.

The new autobiographical book “Life. My Story in History” by Pope Francis will be published on March 19. This appears from sales information on the websites of online booksellers, the newspaper “Cathpress” reported on Friday. The work will be published simultaneously in this Today in German-speaking countries, Italy, the United States, Great Britain, Canada, Brazil, France, Mexico, Portugal, Spain, Poland and South America.

The American publishing house HarperCollins, which is publishing the book, announced an “extraordinary journey through the decades” in New York. In the “Life”, important stages in modern history are traced through the memories of the Pope. These events included the fall of the Berlin Wall, General Jorge Rafael Videla’s coup in Argentina, the 1969 moon landing, and the 1986 World Cup. At that time, Francis’ Argentine compatriot Diego Maradona scored a legendary goal, which the footballer later attributed to the “Hand of God.”

For younger people

The Pope explained in the publisher’s press release that he also wrote the book for young people so that they would not repeat the mistakes of the past. When you reach a certain age, it is important to remember the good and bad things in your life. “It is an exercise of discrimination that we must all undertake before it is too late,” Francis advised. – The Jesuit, born Jorge Mario Bergoglio in Buenos Aires, will turn 87 on Sunday (December 17). (Abba)

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