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Saintstephens is responsible for creative support for Fischapark » Leadersnet

Saintstephens is responsible for creative support for Fischapark » Leadersnet

| Editorial Board

| November 26, 2023

After a break of several years, the agency based in Strobelgasse is once again taking over the creative management of the shopping center in Wiener Neustadt.

Fischapark will return to Saintstephens as a client in the summer of 2023. After a break of several years and the successful implementation of the radio campaign in 2022, the agency based in Strobelgasse is once again taking over the creative management of the shopping center in Wiener Neustadt.

“Less is more”

The soft relaunch of advertising communications is based on the slogan “less is more”. This means fewer elements, bold colors, attractive images, and concise text. Clear, event titles and entertaining titles make you want to shop and convey lightness.

In addition to creative themes for various advertising materials, various folders, stand labels, and goodie designs, Saintstephens has already successfully executed several HF websites. The short Gstanzlin is supposed to convince with a lot of insults. They invite residents of Wiener Neustädter: hostels and people from all kinds of neighboring towns to Fischapark. Thematically, they refer to a wide range of occasions such as summer sales, fall trends or Halloween.

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