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The Queen’s grandchildren gather to wake up

The Queen’s grandchildren gather to wake up

As part of Elizabeth II’s funeral service, her grandchildren will gather in the Queen’s coffin to wake up today. According to the palace, eight of the king’s grandchildren, including heir to the throne Prince William and his brother Prince Harry, will meet at Westminster Hall in London. The Queen’s coffin has been laid there since Wednesday.

The funeral service for the Queen, who died last Thursday at the age of 96, will be held in Westminster Abbey on Monday. Elizabeth II is buried at Windsor Castle. Prince William has increasingly taken on responsibilities in the British royal family in recent years, while his brother Harry and wife Meghan left the first row of the royal family in 2020 and are living in California.

Waiting list reopened

Several hours later, access to the queue reopened yesterday afternoon. The Department of Culture in London said the estimated waiting time was more than 24 hours. The queue stretched from Westminster Hall of Parliament, where the Queen’s closed sarcophagus was laid, for about eight kilometers along the River Thames to Southwark Park.

Waiting in the queue

The entrance to the line was closed for more than seven hours due to congestion at the exit site. However, several people made their way to Southwark Park, where an unofficial queue for the actual queue soon formed – a ‘queue to queue’, British media reported.

At least 435 people received medical care during the first few days of the waiting list. As the London Ambulance Service announced today, a total of 42 mourners were taken to clinics on Wednesday and Thursday, awaiting admission to the coffin housed in Parliament.

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