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The sea that swallows cities

The sea that swallows cities

Climate Change, a US not-for-profit research group, uses visualizations to show what the future of large coastal cities might look like if the planet continues to warm.

Droughts, floods and melting of the polar ice caps are just some of the consequences of climate change. An acute problem is also sea level rise, which, according to science, will continue for several decades. As part of the study, researchers from the non-profit organization Climate Change analyzed the extent to which certain cities could be threatened by this increase unless countermeasures are taken. According to the results, small island states are threatened by an almost complete loss of territory. China, India, Vietnam and Indonesia are among the worst affected countries. According to the research group, these are also those countries in which additional coal-fired power plants have recently been built.

Visible results

The analysis, conducted in close collaboration with Princeton University and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, provides fascinating visual comparisons to cities in their current form and their potential underwater future, if the planet continues to warm up.


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