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Tourism – Experience the Total Solar Eclipse in America – Travel

Tourism – Experience the Total Solar Eclipse in America – Travel

Munich (dpa/tmn) – Anyone in the United States will be able to see a total solar eclipse on April 8. A very rare celestial event will be visible in 15 US states on this day.

From Mexico, the series of solar eclipses will first move to cities in Texas and Arkansas and will be visible through Missouri, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio from the East Coast to Maine and parts of Canada.

For all U.S. vacationers looking to experience a solar eclipse: The space agency NASA has an interactive map on its website that shows where and when you can see the eclipse in Central and North America.

Special monitoring sites

The online travel guide “Visit the USA” has tips for particularly attractive places to observe the natural phenomenon: for example, in Texas, Dinosaur Valley State Park near Dallas, which is popular for hiking. If you're just looking at the sky here, you can look down to the ground – you'll see dinosaur footprints in the bed of the Balaxi River.

If you want to be a little closer to the city and need to stay in Ohio, you should go to Cleveland on April 8th. With the skyline in the background, the solar eclipse is best viewed at Edgewater Park. The view is particularly impressive at Niagara Falls State Park, one of the world-famous waterfalls on the Canadian border.

Only with safety glasses

Attention: If you want to marvel at the solar eclipse, safety glasses with a special filter are essential. Ordinary sunglasses do not provide enough protection and can damage your eyes. Even looking through binoculars or a cell phone camera doesn't protect against the power of solar radiation.

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Germany last experienced a total solar eclipse in August 1999. And it will be before the next decade: in 2081 it will be visible in parts of southern Germany. It won't be long in this country until the next partial solar eclipse on March 29, 2025, when the Moon will partially cover the Sun.

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