Asobo has postponed Global Update 6 for Microsoft Flight Simulator. The revision for Germany, Austria and Switzerland should not enter into force until September 7. For the next Global Update 7 release, however, no changes have been announced.
Global Update 6 for Microsoft Flight Simulator was supposed to be released on August 24, but nothing is coming from it. In a blog post, the developers announced that the update has been pushed back to September 7. The background to this should be the company’s own quality standards, which are apparently unattainable with an August release.
Global Update 6 promises a lot
With the sixth global update of Microsoft Flight Simulator, developer Asobo Studio wants to review the major German-speaking countries. In Germany, Austria and Switzerland, modernization aims to adapt landscapes and revise cities. In addition, four hand-made airfields and many POIs will be added to the game. The latter include, for example, Marienburg Castle in Hanover, the Munich Allianz Arena or the giant Ferris wheel in Vienna.
Apart from the map, Global Update 6 should also make changes in Flight SimulatorWith Junkers Ju 52 For example, a new addition to the aircraft is planned, moreover, the update should also bring new challenges and expeditions in the game.
Give.Also interesting: Flight Simulator Update: Another hotfix to patch performance
Asobo plans to publish World Update 7 by the end of the year, but nothing is known about the delay. Six more global updates are scheduled for next year. It is still unclear what areas this update will affect.
those: flight simulator via Eurogamer
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