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US: Trump refuses to testify in New York fraud trial

US: Trump refuses to testify in New York fraud trial

Former US President Donald Trump He did not want to testify personally at the fraud trial in New York today. The 77-year-old announced this on an online site he co-founded called “Truth Social”.

He had already testified “very successfully and confidently,” Trump wrote in capital letters in a lengthy statement. Trump was expected to appear as a defense witness today in the final phase of the trial, which has been ongoing since early October.

The civil case concerns the future of the 77-year-old corporate empire. The attorney general’s office accuses Trump, his sons and employees of manipulating the value of the Trump Organization over the years to get cheap loans and insurance deals. He faces a prison sentence or direct consequences in his presidential bid Republic Not Trump, but a conviction would cause him huge business damage.

Advocate General of the State New YorkLetitia James wants to make sure Trump pays $250 million and will no longer be allowed to do business in New York.

Trump already testified in a heated and sometimes chaotic meeting in November and repeatedly insisted that the value of his real estate was undervalued, not inflated. However, he freely admitted that he influenced financial statements and sometimes contradicted himself. His children, Donald Jr., Eric and Ivanka, were also investigated by the state attorney’s office.

The former president is seeking re-election in 2024. He is the most promising candidate for the Republican nomination. According to many observers, he is using the process as an election campaign.

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