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USA: Man steals a horse and hides it in his bedroom

USA: Man steals a horse and hides it in his bedroom

Last week a person hit the headlines in North Carolina for stealing a horse. But not because the horse had a special value, but because the whole action is hard to win in terms of curiosity. Even Police Made big eyes.

The man was riding a horse down the street and disappeared into the house

According to a statement “UnileverOne day he rode down the street on horseback and when he finally took the animal to his house the neighbors would have been surprised about Gary C. As far as they knew, since he did not have a horse, the surprised neighbor called the police without further ado – they already suspected that the animal had been stolen.

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Officers big eyes: Horse remains in the room

After the son’s father finally gave the police permission to enter the house, officers were surprised to find horse waste in the room. As they entered the bedroom they got even bigger eyes: “At that moment, I saw a fully grown foot horse in the middle of the bedroom,” a police officer recalled in a statement.

The horse thief is already guilty

Fortunately, the horse was quiet all the time and initially seemed unharmed. When the owner of the animal arrived at the scene, he found a small wound on the horse’s ankle, which he said was not there before. The horse is valued at $ 6,500, which equates to about 5,540 euros.

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Looking back, police also found that the horse thief already had a criminal record: robbery, theft, and trespass were on his file. Gary is now charged with cattle theft.