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When António Guterres explains terrorism

When António Guterres explains terrorism

The Secretary-General of the United Nations intervened undiplomatically in the Middle East conflict. The recent massacres of Jews did not occur “in a vacuum.” Does Hamas understand? It seems that Israel alone did not read this from his words.

The UN’s top diplomat should serve as a moral authority. The word of its highest-ranking official carries political weight around the world. However, this kind of power was carelessly compromised by António Guterres. It is clear that the Portuguese, who ruled his country from 1995 to 2002 and then moved to the United Nations, mysteriously intervened in the Middle East conflict. Although he condemned the terrorism of the Palestinians and the massacres they are committing against Jews, he also referred to the “oppressive occupation” by Israel: “It is important to realize that the Hamas attacks did not occur in a vacuum,” the former head of the Socialist International said. And Acting Secretary-General of the United Nations.

It is understood that Israel then requested his resignation; One could interpret these statements as equating their state with Hamas, which not only terrorizes the neighboring country but also terrorizes Gaza. The last Israeli soldier withdrew from this coastal strip in 2005. Since then, there has been self-rule – without any democratic rules.

Guterres may score points with his speech in extreme leftist and extremist Islamic circles. But how did conservative newspapers in the free world receive it?

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