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Why not miss the sunset today «

Why not miss the sunset today «

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Today, Monday, especially wonderful sunsets can be expected in Carinthia and East Tyrol. ZAMG meteorologist Martin Augres explains why.

3:55 PM, May 10, 2021

Desert dust turns the sky red at sunset, but it also makes the air cloudy. Today, Monday, the phenomenon can be observed over Carinthia and East Tyrol (Archives). © Reader Reporter

There has to be a stunning color show tonight Over the skies of Carinthian and East Tyrol You have to see. The trigger for this is SaharaStopIn the air that refracts light in an unusual way. “We are dealing with a tremendous advance of cold air over Western Europe, from the Iberian Peninsula to North Africa. Before that, dust travels to us from the Sahara with a southwest current over the entire Mediterranean region,” he explains Martin OrtnerMeteorologist Central Institute of Meteorology and Geodynamics (ZAMG) In Klagenfurt. However, this increased concentration of dust makes the air appear cloudy. Those in the mountains can see the different layers of dust in the elevator.

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