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Worried about the re-emergence of Islamists

Worried about the re-emergence of Islamists

aPakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan Commenting on the US withdrawal from Afghanistan in a good TV interview two weeks ago, he was furious that he had already been referred to as the “Taliban Khan”. He only said that there is no military solution to the conflict, he told US broadcaster PBS. Khan denied the existence of safe retreats in his country for Afghan Islamists, whom he described as “ordinary civilians”. Only four million Afghan refugees live in his country. Now, these “ordinary civilians” have achieved a military victory that, according to military and security experts, would not have been possible without Pakistan’s longstanding support. Statements of innocence from Islamabad are incredible abroad.

that afghani Taliban Being supported by the Pakistani military leadership, the real ruler of the country, is an open secret. The ISI was an important midwife to their movement in the 1990s, supporting radical Islamists with money, weapons, and safe haven, while US drones rose from Pakistani soil in the fight against terrorism. The fact that the Afghan Taliban now controls the capital, Kabul, and expelled the hated President Ashraf Ghani in Islamabad, may benefit the Pakistani generals somewhat. Nor is their military victory without risks for their Pakistani patrons. In joy that the new leadership should be grateful and easy to influence, there should be concerns about the new version of an emirate in the neighboring country.

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