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A cappella – Six vocal prodigies gave Horner's guests “Sip Joy.”

A cappella – Six vocal prodigies gave Horner's guests “Sip Joy.”

As festival director Vahid Khadem Misagh said, the founding idea of ​​Allegro Vivo was to present a chamber music festival of the highest caliber. We have always remained true to this principle. Whenever the opportunity arises, we like to put the violin aside and listen to the instrument that everyone always carries. He said: your voice.

German a cappella sextet SLIXS belong to a young generation of exciting vocal artists who are turning traditional listening habits upside down. SLIXS is a phenomenon, they love Bach as much as they unleash their vocals with pop and funk landmarks. The six vocal wonders explore what the human voice is capable of and take you to a paradise of timbres, onomatopoeia and vocal percussion.

Guests marveled at the virtuosity and enjoyed the subtle sense of groove. The vocal acrobats produced a musical sound from their throats and mouths that would dazzle even the icons of the a cappella scene. “This is what a human-friendly universe looks like. It should impress aliens too,” said one enthusiastic concertgoer.

The band's artistic audacity and willingness to innovate have been rewarded five times with the CARA (Contemporary Recordings A Cappella Award), the world's highest award for vocal arts. Through their performances, the musicians have given their audience a sip of joy.

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