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A man died on the run from the police «

A man died on the run from the police «

The 21-year-old jumped out of a window while inspecting the hotel and fell into the depths.

2.42 PM, April 11, 2021

© AP

In Belgium, a participant in the illegal “Corona Party” died while fleeing police officers. When officers arrived to Eight people gathered in an Antwerp hotel On Sunday, the local prosecutor said the 21-year-old jumped out the window and fell into the depths to dissolve. The authority has launched investigations into the “tragic accident.”

The police officers’ attempts to resuscitate the deceased youth were unsuccessful. She added that the guests of the other party tried to hide from the officials who were summoned to the hotel after complaints of noise pollution. Strict communication restrictions apply in Belgium in order to contain the spread of the Coronavirus. Participants and organizers of illegal parties face fines ranging from 750 to 4,000 euros.

Antwerp Mayor Bart de Weaver Shook. “The death of a very young person makes us think seriously about the effects of long lockdown periods on mental health, especially among young people,” de Weaver was quoted by the Bilga News Agency as saying.

If you are with you Cold symptoms Notice, then the following applies first: Stay home and avoid contact with others! If you also have a fever or if the condition gets worse, then this should happen Health phone 1450 To be called. at general questions Please choose Infoline Coronavirus der AGES: 0800555621 .
Angel Number 1450 is only intended for people with illnesses! The following applies: Always inquire over the phone first, and never go to a doctor’s office or hospital independently if suspected of having Corona!

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innerhalb von 14 Tagen Symptome wie Fieber oder Husten bemerkt: immer zuerst telefonisch melden! Auf keinen Fall einfach zum Hausarzt oder ins Krankenhaus fahren!
Zuerst telefonisch mit Hausarzt Kontakt aufnehmen oder beim Gesundheitstelefon 1450 anrufen, es gibt auch eine spezielle Hotline zum Coronavirus (Tel. 0800 555 621). -->