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A sign of life!  This is how he leads his life in America

A sign of life! This is how he leads his life in America

Claudia Norberg First sign of life in months! This is how she funds her USA lifestyle

Claudia Norberg

© STAR MEDIA / imago images

For almost exactly two years, Claudia was quiet around Norberg. Michael Vendler’s ex-wife is now back in the spotlight with a small sign of life.

Her last post on Instagram and Facebook dates back to July 19, 2021: At that time, 52-year-old Claudia Norberg expressed her sympathy to the flood victims in the Ahr Valley. Since then there has been radio silence. Until now! The former “Wild Camp” candidate is back on Facebook with a story.

Claudia Norberg: First sign of life after two years of radio silence

As “Image” discovered, Norberg chose his Facebook account to inform the public. In the now-defunct story, she shared photos of her Florida mansion. Not for any reason, but with an intention: the 52-year-old rents out his accommodation in America.

Norberg’s house is located A city in Cape Coral, Florida. For almost 1,000 US dollars (about 899 euros) per week their tenants can enjoy American luxury. According to D-Online, the property has three bedrooms, two bathrooms and a glass roof pool.

From Music to Real Estate Manager: Claudia Norberg’s Life in America

As “Build” writes, Claudia Norberg currently rents an apartment in Cape Coral. And a lot has happened in his career too: the former music manager is said to be working as a real estate manager in the US.

One of her last public appearances: Claudia Norberg with Olivia Jones in February 2020.

© Gisela Schober/Getty Images

Except for a short stint in life, Norberg prefers to stay out of the public eye. Her daughter Adeline, 21, does the same — and goes one step further. Apparently, he deactivated his official Instagram account, where he had thousands of followers. On the social media site, she now has the handle “Adilynicinamaria” On the go: Personal account and only 19 people allowed to follow, including Laura Muller, 22.

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