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An arson suspected: a fire broke out again in Bibione: a working helicopter

An arson suspected: a fire broke out again in Bibione: a working helicopter

a Big fire in the famous Italian seaside resort of Bibione In the upper Adriatic region, it caused a stir across Central Europe on Friday. Even a group of tourists had to flee from the flames at sea: they were on the bridge connecting Bibione with Lignano when it caught fire. The vacationers jumped into the water and then the port authority had to rescue them with a boat. Firefighters managed to bring the fire under control at around 9 p.m.

On Monday around 2pm there was another fire alarm: in the same area, flames hit the sky again and a huge cloud of smoke was seen. The fire was quickly put out with the help of helicopters. The coals may have erupted again.

I found the box

While a severe drought was initially assumed to have caused a fire on Friday, the case took a turn over the weekend: When the embers were extinguished on Saturday, a metal canister completely deformed by heat was found in a nearby grain field, according to a report. “Il Gazzetino” daily newspaper. The can has now been confiscated by the police, and now it’s the experts’ turn. However, at the moment, it is still unclear whether the canister has been there for a long time or whether it has anything to do with the fire. Meanwhile, investigators discovered that there were two sources of fire that were quite far apart. It is said that one of them was right near the bridge from which the tourists fled.

Wild animals died in the fire

The fire, which broke out in an area relatively sparsely populated by tourists, has claimed the lives of many wildlife, including reptiles and turtles, as well as nesting birds that retreat there from the crowds during the summer months. Birds able to fly fled towards Lignano. An important part of Pineta del Faro, the “lungs” of the seaside resort, was burned. Thousands of pine trees were burned. There was already a fire in this area last year, when the East was damaged.

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“Easily accessible”

The footpath to the lighthouse (“faro”) had to be temporarily closed. “The horrific images of the fire have been shown in the media all over Europe. The tourism office has received dozens of calls from concerned tourists, who have expressed sympathy but also asked if they can now arrive without problems. We told everyone that despite the fire, the fire broke out,” Giuliano said. Basso, President of Bibione Marketing “Bibione Live” for “Il Gazzettino”: “We are with a deep wound, which could have been extinguished.”