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Car Battery Prices: Impact of US-China Conflicts

Car Battery Prices: Impact of US-China Conflicts

Electrical operation
Without China, battery prices would be high

By Henrik Borg

Reading Time: 4 min

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Will car batteries become more expensive as the US and China drift apart politically? However, some relocation of manufacturing steps can be counterproductive.

China has developed complete, high-quality supply chains for car batteries that do not exist elsewhere in the world.
China has developed complete, high-quality supply chains for car batteries that do not exist elsewhere in the world.

(Image: RareStock –

People rarely talk openly about prices, but Chey Tae-Won, CEO of South Korea’s SK Group, recently told Bloomberg News that he couldn’t lower the cost of his batteries without China. to do

South Korean battery manufacturers are currently highly valued by Washington. But the relocation of manufacturing steps to countries other than China, mandated by Washington, will offset economies of scale and other cost-cutting factors and ensure that a key component of e-mobility remains expensive.

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