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Carmen Gies faces Claudia Effenberg

Fans can already look forward to a duel between blondes. In the new episode of “Schlag den Star”, Carmen Gies (55) and Claudia Effenberg (55) fight each other on TV.

The first exchange of blows was not long ago. Claudia Effenberg has already made a decent advertisement for her competitor. “Now it’s over shopping and champagne on the boat. Now Robäääärt can’t help you if I get your hair in a fight – it’s real, isn’t it?, Says Claudia Effenberg in a press release for ProSieben.

Claudia Effenberg vs. Carmen Jess in “Schlag den Star”

The seizure jet attacked Carmen Jess on the spot: “Dear Claudia, now you have to wear warm clothes, but that might be a little difficult with your dirndl. You might be four months younger than me, but when I ended your relationship, he’s at least four years older than me.”

Blondes will compete against each other in up to 15 rounds. We are really excited to see who will run the race on May 8 and who will receive the 100,000 euros in prize money.

Carmen Jess does not take botox

(© Getty Images)

“Schlag den Star” competitors have taken part in these TV shows

Claudia Effenberg has appeared in many TV formats in the past. Among other things, she participated in the 2014 “Celebrity Big Brother”. In the TV show, she took second place. Stefan Effenberg’s wife definitely won’t be satisfied with “Schlag den Star”.

Carmen Jess is known to have a lot of experience on TV. For ten years now she can be seen in “The Geissens – A Very Charming Family”. The blonde has also proven her quick wit in other TV formats. Among other things, she participated in the seventh season of “Let’s Dance”. There she won a bronze medal.

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In “Schlag den Star,” Claudia and Carmen have to show not only their athletic endurance, but their brains and skills as well. Fans are already looking forward to the Munich-Monaco duel.

It is not yet known whether famous blondes partners can live there. The new episode “Schlag den Star” will be shown live on ProSieben on May 8, 2021 at 8.15 pm. As usual, the broker will drive Elton (50) during the evening.