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Climate Change: How to Achieve Zero Emissions by 2050

Climate Change: How to Achieve Zero Emissions by 2050

According to experts, a fundamental transformation in the energy sector is necessary in order to achieve the net-zero emissions target by 2050. Previous climate commitments by governments have not been sufficient, according to a report published by the International Energy Agency (IEA) based in China. Paris.

There is a way to achieve the zero emissions target by 2050, but it is narrow. The way energy is produced, transported and used around the world has to change drastically. The most important points at a glance:

“The greatest challenge humanity has ever faced.”

Fatih Birol, director of the International Energy Agency, said the transformation is perhaps the biggest challenge humanity has ever faced. Politicians must rely on the massive use of all available clean and efficient energy technologies while at the same time accelerating innovation globally. Governments must rapidly increase their spending on research and development in clean energy technologies and place them at the center of energy and climate policies.

Early in 2050, the energy sector must largely rely on renewable energies rather than fossil fuels. Experts write that two-thirds of the total energy supply in 2050 will then come from wind, sun, bioenergy, geothermal and hydropower. Cars are primarily powered by electricity, and aviation is largely dependent on biofuels and synthetic fuels. The goal should be that by 2050 nearly 90 percent of electricity generation will come from renewable sources. Most of the rest will come from nuclear energy.

The The Bundestag This week, a draft amendment to the Climate Protection Act is being discussed, which provides for a clear tightening of previous targets. So it should Germany Be climate neutral as early as 2045, which means from this date onwards, the carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels will not be able to escape into Earth’s atmosphere.

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According to an unpublished legal opinion, Available for SPIEGEL, The federal government should take legal precautions as soon as possible so that the ban on fossil fuels is legally permissible on January 1, 2045 and the companies have no claims for compensation.