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Climate Shock Report: The world has three years to save the two-degree target

In a draft of Part III of the IPCC report, IPCC researchers warn that there are only three years left to prevent the increase in global warming from crossing the two-degree threshold. For this to happen, carbon dioxide emissions must peak before 2025.

that reports WDR Citing a secret paper circulated by activists from the Tamarod Al-Ulama group. It remains unclear whether the warning will also appear in the final climate report.

In order to achieve the 1.5-degree target, coal-fired power plants must be finished within nine years

Activists appear to be scientists calling for drastic action to combat global warming. In their view, there is a risk that policy could mitigate Part III of the World Climate Report, which deals with measures against climate change. The final version of the report is due to appear in March next year.

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The draft, now released, shows that the energy transition is clearly behind the goals of the Paris climate agreement worldwide. If the 1.5-degree target is maintained, coal and natural gas power plants must be in operation for nine and twelve years, respectively.

The terms are accordingly extended to 16 or 17, if one sets a maximum global warming of two degrees as the goal. The problem here is that newly built or planned power plants are not part of the bill. For example, there are currently new factories Turkey And China Considered.

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The richest ten percent of the world’s population have an obligation because they are responsible for 40 percent of emissions

The draft also states that current and planned power plants will still emit approximately 850 billion tons of carbon dioxide into the air. But that’s more than twice the amount of carbon dioxide still allowed to reach the 1.5-degree target. Even for the two-degree target, the budget is almost exhausted.

According to the authors of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the richest ten percent of the world’s population bear the responsibility for changing course. They are responsible for about 40 percent of greenhouse gas emissions. On the other hand, the poorest 10% are responsible for only 4% of global emissions.

In the last decade in particular, there have been many “greenhouse gas-intensive activities”. Air traffic has increased dramatically, as have energy requirements for air conditioning and the use of SUVs. The production of export goods in developing countries has also caused significant emissions.