Blizzard Customer Service tweeted that a DDoS attack on servers is causing login issues, connection drops, and high latency. They apologize for the inconvenience and try to control the situation.
Updated at 7:00 PM
The problems seem to have been largely resolved. Only Store is not available again.
original message
When it comes to online gaming, few titles have captured the hearts and souls of gamers quite like Diablo. With its immersive dark fantasy world, intense combat and addictive gameplay, the franchise has established itself as a pillar of the genre. But recently, a shadow has been looming as the game is once again under siege by a malevolent force.
Today, June 25, 2023, Diablo 4 (Buy now ) And World of Warcraft, too, had a number of frustrating hurdles, including login issues, painfully long queues, and a general sense of clutter. Although the developers have not yet released an official statement regarding the incident, support seems to have come to the conclusion that servers have fallen victim to another crippling DDoS attack. As soon as there is news about it, we will post an update.
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