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Firmware Update: FRITZ! Box 7530 AX receives FRITZ! OS 7.31


AVM has now released a new maintenance update for FRITZ’s FRITZ OS! Box 7530 AX. The said update upgrades the router’s firmware to version 7.31. However, not much has changed with the update. The manufacturer has made modifications only to support the services of the service provider. There are no new jobs. Even with the update prior to version 7.29 of the 7530 AX, only bugs were fixed and improvements were made.

look at me info page To the FRITZ operating system of the aforementioned router, the weather forecast was mentioned on the FRITZ startup screen! Fon is here under the new features. On Twitter, one user complained that there was no option to disable adaptive heating on thermostats. Here the manufacturer indicates FRITZ labor updates! There is no specific information about the upcoming FRITZ function update! Box 7530 AX.

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As early as January 2022, the German company AVM presented the first beta version of the firmware FRITZ! Box with lab operating system Coming soon FRITZ! OS 7.50. In addition, the manufacturer owns FRITZ! OS 07.39-95589 for FRITZ! Box 6890 LTE Published and given to the owners of FRITZ! Box others have an initial insight into the next major release of AVM firmware.

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Several improvements include, among other things, that the image in the user interface now shows the different VPN connection types. FRITZ products are registered! Box add-ons in Mesh are automatically credited to your MyFRITZ! for Mesh Master. IPv4 VPN (IPSec) connections can be connected over IPv6, eg to access FRITZ! Box on DS-Lite connections (IPv6 tunneling for IPv4 and IPv4-in-IPv6). IPv6 support in prioritizing network applications and prioritizing home network device is also available with the new Lab update. The company has also improved interoperability with ADSL2+ and VDSL remote stations.

Prices and availability
AVM FRITZ! Box 7530 AX
183.99 € not available

from 129.99 EUR