Mario Draghi.
As it was announced Thursday evening, Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi will resign.
His government has stated that Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi will resign. On Thursday, Draghi said the “national unity” alliance no longer exists.
The prime minister thus mapped out the consequences of the behavior of the left-wing populist Five Star Movement, which did not participate in a vote of confidence on Thursday’s package of support measures.
‘Efforts weren’t enough’
“In den letzten Tagen habe ich mich bemüht, den gemeinsamen Weg fortzusetzen und sogar versucht, die Forderungen der politischen Kräfte an mich zu erfüllen. Wie die heutige Debatte und Abstimmung im Behtente Ministerre habzegen agsteigt, D’Minister ahabgegensegseigt,” Thursday. The majority of the national unity that has supported this government since its formation in February 2021 no longer exists. Draghi said the charter of confidence, which forms the basis of the government’s work, had failed.
“Food practitioner. Bacon guru. Infuriatingly humble zombie enthusiast. Total student.”
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