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Hans Fronius: Special Show at Linz Castle Museum

Hans Fronius: Special Show at Linz Castle Museum

Linz. On the occasion of the Kastner family’s generous donation of the Walther Kastner Collection in 2018, the Schlossmuseum Linz dedicates a special exhibition to the painter, illustrator and illustrator Hans Fronius. Offered from January 25th to April 2nd.

His talent for illustrating literary texts was an essential part of Hans Fronius’s work. The artist’s personal preference for the world of literature and theater is well documented in the exhibition, as is his love of cities and landscapes with which he became acquainted on many walks, bike rides and excursions. The most technically significant link with Upper Austria resulted from the relationship with Alfred Köppen. This friendship is documented in a long correspondence and makes the gift even more valuable to Upper Austria.

The collection was delivered to the state of Upper Austria

Walther Kastner has been closely associated with painter, illustrator and illustrator Hans Fronius since his student days, both as a philatelist and as a collector. In the course of their friendship, more than 350 drawings, prints, and portfolios, which are among the artist’s finest, found their way to Kastner’s large art collection, which he donated to Upper Austria in numerous donations from 1975 onwards. State Museum left. In 2018, the Kastner family handed over 233 drawings and monotypes originally left to Albertina to the Upper Austrian State Graphic Arts Collection and can now be seen in their entirety in this exhibition.

The curator is Sabine Sobotka, and the show can be seen from January 25 to April 2 at the Schlossmuseum Linz. Coordinator’s Tour: Friday, February 10, at 4 p.m.

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