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Lidl, Netto and Co: Everyone Behind the Discount Coffee Is Amazed

Lidl, Netto and Co: Everyone Behind the Discount Coffee Is Amazed

Anyone who shops at a discount has consciously decided that they want to save money. Even if the bill since inflation at Lidl, network etc., it doesn't seem to work so well anymore, shopping here usually leaves you feeling better.

And now that good feeling can be on the rise again. Caffeine-loving customers have yet to guess who is really behind the discount coffee brands. Now the full truth comes out at Lidl and Netto, Aldi And partners for light!

Lidl, Netto and Co: Discount coffee with unexpected origins

Even if supposedly no-name products promise only one thing: saving money, customers are often surprised by their quality. And for good reason, as now reveals. Because famous coffee manufacturers are often hidden behind unknown private labels.

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Lidl For example, Lidl and Aldi share a joint factory for their cappuccinos, the Krüger brand. Customers should keep that in mind the next time they read the brands “Granaroma Cappuccino” (Lidl) and “Moreno Cappuccino” (Aldi). But Lidl relies on complexity when it comes to coffee producers. Minges Kaffeerösterei GmbH is the owner of the regular “Bellarom” brand. Behind Lidl’s instant coffee is Deutsche Extrakt Kaffee GmbH (DEK) or Cafea GmbH, with which Aldi Nord also works for its instant product “Schonkaffee”.

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Discount company Netto remains tight-lipped about its own coffee brand, Cafèt. The same goes for the supermarket coffee maker. Edica– Private label “Gut & Günstig”. However, since both markets come from the same company, it is possible that they have the same product.

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The most surprising thing now is the customers of the discount chain Penny! The correct name “Magico” hardly indicates this. But now the secret behind the supposedly cheap coffee has been revealed. Because behind it is the company Schirmer Kaffee GmbH, which has been proven to be a subsidiary of the well-known Dallmayr itself! Also instant coffee of the own brand “ja!” Rioi It is produced here. The situation is different with regular Yes coffee. The coffee capsules, for example, come from the Spanish company Expressate SL.

Why are products from well-known manufacturers sold under the guise of discount brands? On the one hand, it is due to the cheap Robusta beans used in production. On the other hand, the marketing costs for no-name products should be eliminated. But it is doubtful whether customers of Lidl, Netto, Aldi and Co. can even taste the difference.