I regularly record my screen to document errors. Active windows, desktop icons and wallpaper annoy me. How can I automatically scan and adjust the screen without buying screencasting software?
Free automation tool “Package” It comes with everything you need for background recordings. Type the necessary commands into a text document called Screencast.bunch, which you store under Documents/Collections.
Command (hide dock)
And the (hide desktop)
And the (screen #9a9a9a)
Create an uncluttered screen with a neutral background. The @ in-line also hides all currently running apps as long as Bunch is active.
If you always record the same program, put its name (in English) on a separate line, followed by a letter – eg Notes^
To apply notes. If you want to provide a selection, you can do it with an interactive variable definition:
# Bildschirm aufraeumen
(hide dock)
(hide desktop)
(screen #9a9a9a)
# Aktive Apps ausblenden
# Abfrage, welche App aufgezeichnet werden soll
hauptdarsteller = ?{Notes, Reminders, Photos} "Welches Programm moechtest Du aufzeichnen?"
# Programm starten und in den Vordergrund bringen
# Quicktime Player starten
QuickTime Player
# Oeffnen-Dialog beenden, Aufnahme-Tools einblenden
- {cmd-Punkt ctrl-cmd-N}
The only thing missing is the screenshot. To do this, invoke the QuickTime player on another line. The key combination Cmd + works. On closing the file open dialog appears by default, while Ctrl + Cmd + n displays the screen recording tools. Type the two indented shortcut keys below the program name, enclosed in curly braces, to run them after the program has started.
If your Bunch app is running with this configuration, you can activate and then deactivate screen recording with two clicks or keyboard shortcuts: QuickTime Player closes, and the wallpaper, icons, and windows of previously active apps appear.
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