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Millions of Windows users affected: Microsoft warns of a serious security hole

Millions of Windows users affected: Microsoft warns of a serious security hole

Windows users are currently being warned of a serious security vulnerability. As Microsoft itself knows, this affects almost all versions of the operating system. An attacker could use an unpatched vulnerability to install malware and do more damage.

Microsoft warns Windows users about a new vulnerability: Like the company itself in a blog post Writes, it is related to the URL protocol associated with MSDT. An attacker could use the vulnerability to install software, delete or change data.

Microsoft has not provided more detailed information yet. Perhaps the background is that there is still no patch for the problem. The group has already modified its Defender definitions. So it can be assumed that malware that exploits the vulnerability is already circulating.

Windows vulnerability: Microsoft recommends a temporary solution

You can create a workaround for a Windows vulnerability in just a few steps.
You can create a workaround for a Windows vulnerability in just a few steps.


Until the update is fixed, Microsoft recommends temporarily disabling the registry as a workaround. Although this means that some of the integrated troubleshooting tool’s internal links no longer work, it is still recommended for device security.

To do this, proceed as follows:

  • You must first Start the command line with admin rights
  • Now enter the following command: “reg delete HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ms-msdt /f”
  • With the command “reg export HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ ms-msdt filename” you can create a backup copy of the deleted registry entry, which can be restored with “reg import filename”.

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