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Mobile payment is on the rise in Austria

Mobile payment is on the rise in Austria

However, cash remains the most popular form of payment.

Vienna. Austrians continue to prefer cash, and ATM cards are often used as well. The so-called mobile payment, that is, payment by smartphone, is becoming more and more popular, a survey conducted by the Boag Group and the Banking Association showed. The means of payment also change depending on the area of ​​\u200b\u200blife: purchases in stores are most often paid for with a debit card, while in hostels more often cash is used.

About 97 percent of those surveyed pay cash, and about 95 percent use their debit card. Paying by smartphone or smartwatch, i.e. mobile payment, which was only introduced in Germany in 2019, is actively used by 26.4 percent of those surveyed. Credit card payments and online payment services are becoming increasingly popular: “We are facing constant change here. 25 per cent of the population assumes that payment behavior will change in the next 10 years,” said Gerald Resch, general secretary of the Association of Banks.

monetary arguments

About half of those surveyed use it an Apple Pay and Co. already or have stated that they want to use it until 2033. Online payment services, for example PayPal Or Klarna, 79 percent use it, six percent want to use the services within ten years. Cryptocurrencies are used only for payments (not as an investment) by about six percent of the survey respondents.

According to the survey, in addition to high acceptance, familiarity and specificity speak in favor of using cash; The ATM card registers above all quickly and easily.

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Incidentally, when it comes to saving, awareness of the importance of saving on finance has been growing recently, according to a survey. The reason for this is high inflation. At the same time, 45 percent of those surveyed stated that they would save and invest significantly less in the coming months. (APA)

(“Die Presse,” print edition, 01/30/2023)