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More than 1500 signatures of SAAM Representative Actions

The Consumer Protection Committee has to show their colors

Vienna (OTS) The Consumer Protection Committee meets in the National Assembly today. Implementation of two EU directives under discussion. Warranty proof must be implemented by summer 2021; Guidance on representative actions (class actions) by the end of 2022.

“The Guarantee Implementation Draft takes over what you have to take on without ambition. Surprisingly, the Greens, although they always emphasize sustainability, have done nothing about it. Peter Kolba, Chairman of the Consumer Protection Association (VSV) calls for a warranty period for the lack of product service life. (Statute of limitations).

Implementation of the Representative Actions Directive aims to enhance legal enforcement in the event of collective harm. Negotiations for the draft Federal Ministry of Justice will begin in the summer of 2021.

“The lack of enforcement of the law is the main factor in consumer protection. The directive – which is executed intelligently and efficiently – can make a huge difference. SAAM has offered Justice Minister Zadic to contribute to the negotiations with Peter Kolba’s expertise,” Kolba stresses.

Dr. In 27 years Peter Kolba established representative proceedings at VKI and, in collaboration with attorney Klauser and German litigation funder FORIS AG, invented class actions and often successfully applied them under Austrian law.

“SAAM also provides smart and moderate use of group legal protections tools and in the still-ongoing petition, 1,500 people are claiming the right to file a lawsuit against SAAM!” Kolba confirms.


Inquiries and Contact:

Dr. Peter Kolba, Head of VSV, +436602002437

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