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New York Times editorial calls for withdrawal

New York Times editorial calls for withdrawal

The US president wants to continue, but the US media is dissecting the disastrous TV appearance.

“To serve his country, President Biden must withdraw from the race” – this is the headline From a great openingthat The New York Times Friday evening after Joe Biden A disastrous appearance in his first televised duel with an opponent Donald Trump Published.

Never before has the most famous American newspaper considered a Democratic presidential candidate so clearly. Biden appeared “a shadow of the once great civil servant”; he had difficulty explaining what he wanted to achieve in a second term. He had difficulty confronting Trump’s lies, mistakes, and disturbing plans. More than once, he had difficulty getting to the end of a sentence.

Joe Biden has been an “admirable president,” but “the greatest service he can do now” is “to announce that he will not continue to run for re-election.”

The entire editorial board, that is, the committee of journalists who determine the newspaper's values, is named after the author. The Times sets the tone for the 81-year-old US president's national swan song. Commentators in almost all relevant US media outlets are calling for a successor to run for the Democratic Party nomination by the November 5 election.

Biden's Combat

Biden himself was tough during his campaign appearance on Saturday: “I will not run again if I do not believe in my heart and soul that I can do this job.”

There was support from Barack Obama. “Bad TV appearances happen,” the former US president wrote on Twitter. “But this election still represents a choice between someone who has fought all his life for ordinary people and someone who only cares about himself.”

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