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ÖSV President Peter Schroxnadl does not want to mess with his designated successor, Karl Schmidhofer

ÖSV President Peter Schroxnadl does not want to mess with his designated successor, Karl Schmidhofer

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ÖSV President Peter Schroxnadl does not want to mess with his designated successor, Karl Schmidhofer

ÖSV President Peter Schroxnadl does not want to mess with his designated successor, Karl Schmidhofer

ÖSV President Peter Schröcksnadel (right) does not want to mess with his designated successor Karl Schmidhofer (left)

VIENNA – Even today, ÖSV President Peter Schroxnadl and potential successor Karl Schmidhofer have made a together offer. The Tyroleans confirmed that he passed away on June 19 after 31 years. He is also very satisfied with the choice of Styria. If the uncle of Nicole Schmidover, the 2017 Super-G World Champion, needs help, he will be happy to help. Otherwise, the 79-year-old will retire.

Schmidhofer takes pleasure in this when he keeps his ears open of course to get good ideas about ÖSV. It does not matter whether or not these ideas are brought up by Schröcksnadel. After drawing up the concept, provided Styria would be elected, the designated successor to the head of ÖSV, who had been in office for decades, was interested in promoting open cooperation.

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