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Other specialists provided EA comments on beta criticism

Other specialists provided EA comments on beta criticism

Electronic Arts is located in (apparently not yet available from Germany) Blog post About criticism of the shooter’s test run in October Battlefield 2042 (Away 53,99€ in Pre-order) (for viewing) It was received. “During the open beta, we received feedback from some that professionals are restricting teamwork, and we want to address these concerns directly.”

According to DICE, a branch from August was selected for stability. In contrast, important features of team play were missing.

Some of the subtleties of the user interface are immediately eye catching and shouldn’t be missing in the final version. This includes the Big List or Commonrose List for quick team communication. In the end game, there should be clearer markers identifying healing or ammo required – and clearly defined points for support actions such as assisting with transportation, spawning, or equipping ammo, which would have been missing in the beta.

Screenshot – Battlefield 2042 (PC)

Screenshot – Battlefield 2042 (PC)

Screenshot – Battlefield 2042 (PC)

Screenshot – Battlefield 2042 (PC)

Screenshot – Battlefield 2042 (PC)

Screenshot – Battlefield 2042 (PC)

Screenshot – Battlefield 2042 (PC)

Screenshot – Battlefield 2042 (PC)

Screenshot – Battlefield 2042 (PC)

Screenshot – Battlefield 2042 (PC)

Screenshot – Battlefield 2042 (PC)

Screenshot – Battlefield 2042 (PC)

Screenshot – Battlefield 2042 (PC)

Screenshot – Battlefield 2042 (PC)

Screenshot – Battlefield 2042 (PC)

Screenshot – Battlefield 2042 (PC)

Screenshot – Battlefield 2042 (PC)

Screenshot – Battlefield 2042 (PC)

Screenshot – Battlefield 2042 (PC)

Screenshot – Battlefield 2042 (PC)

Screenshot – Battlefield 2042 (PC)

Screenshot – Battlefield 2042 (PC)

Screenshot – Battlefield 2042 (PC)

Screenshot – Battlefield 2042 (PC)

Screenshot – Battlefield 2042 (PC)

Screenshot – Battlefield 2042 (PC)

However, EA did not reject the decision in favor of “specialists” who could be configured almost freely, which was criticized by parts of the community. The characters, reminiscent of shooter “heroes”, each have a “specialty” and a “attribute”. The player can tamper with the rest of the equipment at will.

“We heard you loud and clear about it. Making a difference is important,” the plant explains. In the “danger zone” mode, you deliberately take it more rigorously and rely on the composition of a coordinated team: there will be no “duplicates” of the same specialist in the team. However, in All-out Warfare (i.e. the main multiplayer modes), the same restrictions are not used.

Since Battlefield 1942, developers have learned that it’s not fun to focus on your strengths. There have been many changes in this area over the course of the series’ history. In Battlefield 2042, players now have the freedom to switch between specialists and the gear required to support their team. In current game designs, you also have mechanics that enhance this effect.

In the area of ​​other changes, it was stated that the number of tanks available on Orbital would double from four to eight – at least in versions with a maximum of 128 players for PC, Xbox Series X/S and PlayStation 5 Soldiers’ movement was also worked on: a penalty entry was added to Slide and there is the option to swing on recently moving objects. Quick spam has also been reduced, an indicator for nearby grenades has been added, and elevators have been “fixed” so you’re less likely to act crazy.

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EA also takes a look at the last five specialists waiting for players on release day: Navi Rao, Santiago “Dozer” Espinosa, Emma “Sundance” Rozier, Ji Su Paik, and Konstantin “Angel” Angel:

Battlefield 2042 is scheduled to be available on November 19 for Xbox One and Xbox Series X | S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 and PC. PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X Digital Standard Edition owners have | S is also double entitlement (double entitlement) to access an Xbox One or PlayStation 4 title. Any progress made on the previous generation of consoles will be through the console upgrade to the current version.

Here are some of the other changes the developers made at least until launch:

Changes we’ve already committed to launch from the Open Beta – from more tanks on PC and new consoles, to movement changes, grenade indicator, animated entry and exit graphics, and more.

User Interface (UI)

  • big map, as we point out internally, is disabled in the Open Beta, but is present in our releases today.
  • Comoros – Also in our designs today, giving gamers the ability to give a quick indication of where you are and what you need.
  • compass – To ensure players have the right tools to best communicate with their squad, the team has modified the default behavior of the compass that appeared while aiming at sights. At launch, this will always be so that players can easily connect with their lineup of nearby dangers and opportunities.

kill record – This is now more readable with distinctive colors indicating friend or foe killed. There are also more appropriately sized messages about the status of sectors and event capture flags. These changes help prevent UI elements from diverting players’ attention away from crosshairs and the battlefield in front of them.
Color blindness setting – Significant performance passes have been made to the Colorbling settings to help support those with color deficiencies who have been struggling to correctly distinguish the colors used across our user interface, and we will continue to receive feedback on our app about this, and all of our final set of accessibility options through the direct service.
gear – These will be fully customizable; There will be a much larger set of tools available to players to help speed up the process of switching to different settings, and getting them back to work right away.
controller players – We have already improved mapping in our final set of options which will provide players with better overviews of the controls and options that enable full console mapping.
chat – A new improvement on the consoles is the ability for players to interact with chat for the first time. Since Battlefield 2042 operates across multiple platforms, it is important to keep the connectivity options accessible.

Dive into the blog to find out more about the above, as well as improvements that relate to both Team and Squad Play, our Plus menu, team composition, end-of-round (EOR) streaming, IFF (the approach we take to ensuring you can distinguish friend from foe), And more…”

Current last video: Open the BetaTrailer