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Researchers fear that the corona virus could spread to animals

Researchers fear that the corona virus could spread to animals

Researchers and veterinarians around the world are monitoring the health of animals during epidemics. The goal is to prevent the spread of various animal species from human to human.

The San Diego Zoo Safari Park received its first warnings in early January this year, when eight gorillas began to show signs of illness, including coughing. The fear that they are suffering from corona is correct. Thus, monkeys became the first known cases among monkeys with this disease.

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An animal keeper who had no symptoms but was Covit-19 may have infected eight gorillas. Seven of them recovered from mild symptoms such as runny nose and cough, while an old gorilla developed pneumonia and heart problems. He was given antibiotics and heart medications. Treated with antibodies to prevent the spread of the virus.

On January 26, 28-year-old gorilla Karen became the first monkey to be vaccinated against corona. He received two doses from Zoidis, a veterinary company based in New Jersey.

Soydis had obtained approval from the U.S. Department of Agriculture for vaccination testing of gorillas at the San Diego Zoo.

Karen showed no side effects after the injection.

Five dwarf chimpanzees and four orangutans have been fully vaccinated at the San Diego Zoo. Four more monkeys received the first dose and are waiting for the second dose in April.

– Health worker Nadine Lambersky says it is important to act when we are diagnosed with a disease in eight gorillas.

Many have been ordered to be vaccinated

About thirty zoos in the United States and other countries have now ordered vaccination against Zoidis.

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– We have ordered 100 doses of Soybean vaccine. Alex Herman, a veterinarian at the Oakland Zoo, says we want to vaccinate our big monkeys.

Humans can infect animals

Researchers believe that Kovit-19 originated from bats, but it remains to be seen whether the virus passed through another animal before it could infect humans.

– Today, humans are the main vectors of the corona virus. That is, it is the people who spread the infection. But humans can re-infect animals, which can have serious consequences for many animal species, says Arinjay Banerjee, a researcher at McMaster University in Canada.

Large apes, such as gorillas, are particularly susceptible to human infection. But other animals can also be infected.

So far, confirmed cases of corona virus have been found in zoos of gorillas, tigers and lions. In domestic cats and dogs – and breeding mink. The virus has also been found in at least one wildfire in Utah.

Researchers also believe that ferrets, raccoons and white-tailed deer could become infected.

The virus can also change

– If the virus begins to spread among wild species, it could be a major threat. Especially in already endangered species, says Kate Longwick, an ecologist at Virginia Tech.

There are also fears that as the virus spreads among animals, the virus could become more mutable and pose a new threat to humans.

Scott Weiss, a veterinarian and microbiologist at the Ontario College of Veterinary Medicine, says: “Mutations occur when a large number of animals are infected.

So animal caregivers and veterinarians have implemented known infection control measures: face masks, alcohol rubbing, disinfection of equipment, routine hygiene checks – and distance.

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