
Complete News World

Sensation in Pressbaum – Günter Wehrner's resignation from all political duties

Sensation in Pressbaum – Günter Wehrner's resignation from all political duties

Günther Fahrner announced on Sunday that he would resign from all his political duties. He also leaves the nationals list. Out of place. He says that “deep health reasons that had already become clear” prompted him to take this step. He confirms that this is the logical result now.

Fahrner has been a council member for 14 years, an inspiring period for him, he says. “I tried to be part of the change and change things in the best way possible. But it wasn't always easy.”

We too, City Councilor Wolfgang Kalshauser, only found out about Fahrner's resignation on Sunday. He does not know what the reasons that ultimately prompted him to do so. “I don't know exactly what's behind it. I heard things beforehand and finally called him. He said his health wasn't going well,” Kalchhauser said.

According to Kalshauser, Rudolph Ndoma should succeed him as local councillor. Some committees must also be filled. Here the list of citizens would have been provided to the following persons: Kalschhauser for the PComm and Disciplinary Committee, City Councilor Maria Auer for the Finance Committee, City Councilor Helmut Schoeder for the Audit Committee, and City Councilor Manfred Wolitz for the Personnel Committee.

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