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Several major fires are raging in Greece.

Several major fires are raging in Greece.

In Greece, hundreds of firefighters are battling several large forest and wildfires. Among others, there are fires on the islands of Kos, Chios and Crete. According to the fire brigade, around 50 fires broke out across the country in the past 24 hours, but almost all of them were quickly brought under control.

In Chios, six firefighters were slightly injured while extinguishing the fire. A 63-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of starting the fire, although it is not known whether it was intentional or negligent.

Reuters/Alan Boyle

On the island of Kos, several towns and hotels were evacuated overnight, and people were temporarily housed in other accommodation and sports fields, social media posts from those affected showed. Earlier in the day, the Kos24 news portal reported that the fire was largely under control and people were slowly being returned to their accommodation.

A fire also broke out near the city of Heraklion on the island of Crete, but no residents or holidaymakers were in danger. According to the Greek Civil Protection, there is now a very high risk of wildfires in eastern Crete, northern Peloponnese and central Greece, among other areas.

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