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So her family squandered millions

So her family squandered millions

Father Jamie is said to have embezzled most of her fortune for years.

Britney Spears is finally free. Jamie Spears, the pop singer’s father, announced in a court statement that he is stepping down as guardian. In due course, he will, according to the document submitted to the Los Angeles Supreme Court on Thursday, which was published by US media.

The singer has been under the tutelage of her father since 2008 after she broke down mentally due to personal and professional issues. At first, Jamie Spears managed his daughter’s fortune and personal affairs. In 2019 he resigned, but remained in charge of finances. The singer’s personal needs, including medical issues, are being handled as co-custodian Jodi Montgomery.

Make Millions With Britney

In addition to being a guardian of his daughter for 13 years, Jamie Spears made money from Britney.

  • Monthly: Jamie Spears is reported to wire about $16,000 per month for his services, plus an additional $2,000 for cash expenses. And that’s for 13 years! Because that’s how long he was in his role.

  • Las Vegas: Jamie collected about 1.5 percent of the total revenue for Britney Spar’s Las Vegas shows. About $2.1 million.

  • Femme Fatale Tour: Papa Spears scored about $500,000 for this concert series.

The Sun now reports legal experts that Britney’s father may have embezzled a large portion of her fortune. We’re talking about 80 to 90 percent of the income that Jimmy is said to have smuggled through court.

It is said that Britney’s mother Lynn shamelessly took advantage of her daughter’s situation and withdrew a total of 1.7 million euros. For years, Britney has paid for mansion costs in Louisiana, including utility bills and cleaning services.

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