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Sobotka does not see a corruption problem in the party “per se”.

Sobotka does not see a corruption problem in the party “per se”.

Schmid Sobotka was accused of interfering in two tax matters relating to ÖVP institutions. On Sunday, the speaker of the National Assembly said that this “completely came out of nowhere”. Tax advisors and the tax office emphasized that there was no interference: “These lies have short legs.”

According to his own statements, Sobotka had a clear opinion about Schmid since 2015 and this differed from the opinion of others, and therefore indicated that he was not a supporter of it.

Regarding the various allegations that are currently circulating, a full clarification is needed. However, in the end, it cannot be provided by politics and the media landscape, but by the police and the courts. In order to curb improper intrusions, Sobotka insisted that such calls should be recorded.

During the first interrogation of Schmid, during which he was constantly refused in the subcommittee, the second chairperson Doris Boris (SPÖ) chaired the meeting. Sobotka emphasized that this was not due to the person providing the information but because a trip to Milan was fixed long before that. If time permits, he always presides over the meeting, as stipulated in the rules of procedure: “I am bound by the law.”

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