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“Sonic Frontiers” – The latest adventure of the hedgehog to get downloadable content

“Sonic Frontiers” – The latest adventure of the hedgehog to get downloadable content

“Sonic Frontiers” – The latest adventure of the hedgehog to get downloadable content

“Sonic Frontiers” Division fans even before its release. Some were enthusiastic about the new approach, others didn’t particularly like the game’s world design. Even after publication, opinions differed widely. However, in our testing, the blue hedgehog was really convincing…

okay quit sega till then “Sonic Frontiers” a DLC It is already being donated Thursday, December 23 at 1 p.m It will be available at night. “See, hear and sprint” Includes photo mode, jukebox, and new challenges that are unlocked after the first play.

Two more DLC are also slated to be added by the end of the year, but no details have been released yet.

Last updated on 03/15/2023 / affiliate links / images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Having rescued princesses from the claws of evil reptilians at a young age and blasted my way through space in a tiny spaceship, I was fascinated by video games. I’m particularly fond of Japanese games, and have always been a huge fan of more specialized consoles like the Sega Saturn. A heart for strangers so to speak! When it comes to gaming, I love the “Yakuza” series, cinematic adventures like “The Last of Us” and I love playing PES in between. Other than that, my heart also beats for Japanese films, directors like Shion Sono, Shinya Tsukamoto or Takeshi Kitano are worth their weight in gold. I also like to invest my time in comics and creative work (writing, drawing…).

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