“WandaVision” follows “Avengers” “Wanda Maximoff” and “Vision” after the events of “Avengers: Endgame”. The series introduced some new characters to the Marvel movie universe, including “Monica Rambo” (Tiona Paris) nicknamed “Photon” and “Agatha Harkness” (Katherine Hahn). But a popular character from the “Avengers” series was almost going to be a part of the series.
WandaVision: Dr. Strange “it was originally supposed to be there
As Marvel Chairman Kevin Feige (47) revealed to Rolling Stone, it was already planned that Dr. Gharib would join the WandaVision team. Dr. Weird to see. But that was going to take Wanda’s focus and we didn’t want that. “Feige explained the decision.
Originally, commercials that appeared in some episodes of the series had messages from Dr. Strange “to” Wanda “must contain. Wanda Maximov in the series played Marvel star Elizabeth Olsen (32). More information on the already planned appearance of “Dr. Strange” It can be found in the video.
As it was already known, “Wanda” will make its next appearance in “Dr. Strange Film”. “Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness” is due to be released in theaters in March 2022.
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