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The Blackbirds celebrate and Arsenal disappoint

The Blackbirds celebrate and Arsenal disappoint


From a Burgenland perspective, Saturday’s basketball evening was two-faced. The Güssing Blackbirds made their first step towards the title in the second Bundesliga, as Oberwart Gunners suffered bitter disappointment in the Superliga match.

While the Division II Güssinger Blackbirds won Game 1 of the final series against the Mistelbach Mustangs with 71:60 after an initial deficit, Oberwarter lost in a thrilling quarterfinal game in their own hall to the Klosterneuburg Dukes with 92:93 after nearly two and a half hours and two stretches. .

Narrow decision in obervart

The Gunners put their backs to the wall with 13 seconds left in the game, but Rob Howard’s free throw made its way into overtime. After the first five minutes it was equalized again. In the second overtime, the guests from Lower Austria scored one more point.

“I think it was a very exciting game, especially for the fans. We took a lot with us, we learned a lot and we will be ready from the first minute of game two,” said captain Sebastian Caverley. The second game is on Tuesday. In Klosterneuburg, the Gunners have the chance to tie the series. top five”.

Blackbirds can fix addresses at home

One floor down in Division Two, the Güssing Blackbirds had reason to celebrate on Saturday. After falling behind at the start, they won Game 1 of the final series against the Mistelbach Mustangs 71:60. As only one ‘best of three’ series had been played in the second Bundesliga, the title was already within reach.

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“It’s one to zero, nothing more, nothing less. We’ll prepare well for next week and of course we’ll try to close the bag at home,” said head coach Daniel Mollner. In front of their fans there will be their first title-winning game ball next week on Saturday.