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The Draconids have now reached their peak

The Draconids have now reached their peak

© APA/dpa/Karl-Josef Hildenbrand / Karl-Josef Hildenbrand

Meteors will still be present until October 10th Dragonians Seen in the night sky. The maximum will be for October 9 is expected. However, Dragons are moody and difficult to predict, which is why more of them can be seen as early as October 8th or as late as October 10th.

Anyway, the season is good this year. The moon, which is only a quarter illuminated, doesn’t rise until after midnight — the next full moon won’t come until October 28.

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It can be seen shortly after sunset

This means that yellow meteors can be observed shortly after sunset, in the upper northwest. As a guide, look for the constellations Ursa Major and Ursa Minor.

Meteors are Above the big bear and to the left of the little bear Better view, reported Apps can help you find horoscopes.

➤ Read more: A quick glimpse into the universe: The best apps for the night sky

Draconids are slow and therefore easy to see when they appear. Their reputation for being moody comes from the varying frequency with which they are seen. Only 10 meteors per hour are expected to appear this year. There were also bad forecasts for 2011, but in some cases it was 300 per hour. In 2018, there were at least 150 accidents in a 4-hour time window – also significantly more than 10.

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Avoid urban areas when watching meteors

As always, when looking at meteors, you should look for an elevated location, as far away from urban light pollution as possible. The weather is currently speaking against good monitoring. The weather is expected to be cloudy over most parts of Austria on the evening of October 8 and 9. According to the weather report, there is a higher chance of experiencing clear skies on October 9.

Since it’s cold again now, you should dress appropriately if you go for meteor watching. Having a warm drink in a thermos can also help. You can leave your telescope and binoculars at home. The larger the area of ​​the night sky you can see, the greater your chance of spotting a shooting star.