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The skeletons were discovered next to St. Charles Church

The skeletons were discovered next to St. Charles Church


During construction work on Argentinierstrasse, seven human skeletons were found under the surface of the road behind Karlskirche. However, for the city's archaeologists, it comes as no great surprise.

City archaeologist Christoph Oller explained that the skeletons were likely buried between 1500 and 1700 in the cemetery of the former general hospital. “There is still a little question mark because according to historical plans, this cemetery ends towards the west, and the fact that the burials took place near the Karlskirche is something new for us.”

A skeleton discovered on Argentina Street


Seven skeletons were discovered

No more digging

While archaeologists are still busy excavating, construction work continues on the bike path around it. It is not yet clear whether there are more graves. “This could certainly be the case. You don't know until you look. But it is possible that there were burials in the surrounding area.”

Ollerer said the area will not be excavated any further. On the one hand, the peace of the dead must be taken into account, but on the other hand, the graves are also protected monuments. “Earth is the best safe place for all kinds of discoveries. That's why it makes sense for them to stay where they are.”

A skeleton discovered on Argentina Street


The skeletons found were excavated and nothing else was searched for

Vivaldi was buried in the cemetery

The skeletons will be removed by next Friday and then examined anthropologically. When the research work is completed, the human bones will be placed in a tomb in the Central Cemetery in Vienna. It will no longer be possible to answer whether the find also includes the skeleton of Antonio Vivaldi. In any case, it was established that the composer was also buried in the abandoned cemetery near Karlsplatz.

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